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What are the origins of the name 'Blue Jade'?

Shifu Jonathan Bluestein, the headmaster of the system, began teaching martial arts in the year 2012. His original school operated in the cities of Ramat-Gan and Givataim, Israel, and was called ‘Tianjin Wuguan’ 天津武館. The word ‘Tianjin’ is the name of a famous Chinese port city, residing next to the capital Beijing. Tianjin was the birthplace and teaching ground of late master Zhou Jingxuan 周靖轩, who was the shifu of Nitzan Oren and shigong of Jonathan Bluestein, who also studied under him directly. In honour of master Zhou and the city from which his martial arts came and developed, the first school established by Jonathan Bluestein was named Tianjin Wuguan.     

In the year 2019, when Shifu Bluestein established his second school, it became known as known as Lanyu Wuguan
藍玉武館 – Blue Jade Martial Hall. There were several important reasons for the choice of that name:

  1. In the year 2010, Shifu Jonathan Bluestein was gifted a belt-buckle made of blue jade by his late Shigong, Master Zhou Jingxuan. It stood as a symbol of continuity between the generations.                           

  2. The surname Bluestein means ‘Blue Stone’.        

  3. The Blue Jade is a stone which symbolizes Peace, Calm, Serenity and Healing. These are positive psychological attributes which the practice of Tong Bu Dao should manifest in the practitioner.

  4. The color Blue relates to the historical origins of the Bluestein family, who are Jews who lived in Israel. The colours of the Israeli flag are white and blue. The Israeli sky remains blue, with white clouds, for the greater part of the year. Israel furthermore borders the ocean, which is blue. It is the colour of that nation. It is also shifu Bluestein’s favourite colour.             

The Original Blue Jade.jpg

'The original Blue Jade' - the belt-buckle gifted to shifu Jonathan​ by his Shigong, late Master Zhou Jingxuan, on his visit to Israel in 2010.

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