Authentic and Affordable
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a proven and recorded clinical history and efficacy of over 2500 years.​ Nowadays, many who are disappointed with the 'conventional' medical establishment, find that TCM provides them with efficient and affordable solutions for their health concerns. TCM is capable of successfully treating thousands of ailments and conditions, many of which medical doctors are clueless as to how to tackle. TCM utilizes methods and tools such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, cupping and qigong, to benefit the well-being of patients. Each of these tools is a 'standalone system' of medicine, but they all rely on the same or very similar core theories, stemming from traditional Chinese wisdom.

Shifu Jonathan Bluestein, offers TCM treatments locally at his clinic in Israel. He specializes in Tuina - Chinese Medical Massage. He sees patients for many types of conditions, including those related to orthopedics, pain, diabetes, sleeping problems, headaches, digestive issues, and much more. Click here to reach out to him directly, and arrange an appointment.

Shifu Bluestein volunteered for the IDF throughout the entire duration of the Iron Swords War. He provided free treatments to over 1500 soldiers, traveling across the country, often near the front lines, in order to reach them.